Hello. My name is Confucius. Today i will be telling you a little about myself. I was born in 551 B.C.E, which was the Chou Dynasty. During the beginning of my life I was a thinker, political figure, and an educator. I was also a founder of the Ru school of Chinese thought. One day, during my political time, i came up with the idea of goodness. My theory is goodness, or respect, would be able to hold society together. If a ruler set good examples for his people, his people would follow those examples. But, one of my main theories is family is the foundation of society. So, I told these ideas to some of the main people involved with the Chinese government. But, they disliked my idea. They thought it encouraged subordinates to speak out if superior make mistakes. After this, I decided if the people didn't want to come to me, I would come to them. So, i walked the streets and taught my ideas to the people. I did this till the end of my life. I died in the year 479 B.C.E. But, during the Han Dynasty, they decided to make confusianism the official state philosophy.
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